
Personal Image Management

Utilizes the seven aspects of image for influencing results:

  1. Color Analysis
  2. Wardrobe Strategies
  3. Grooming Principles
  4. Communications
  5. Protocol and Etiquette
  6. Image Objects
  7. Inner Image


  • Corporate Savvy
  • Dressing To Influence
  • Image Builds Business
  • Seven Aspects of Image for Influencing Results
  • Litigation and Your Practice
  • Global Trends and the Seven Aspects of Image

Career Counseling

  • Developing individual career plans with defined goals
  • Career change/options consulting
  • Life/work planning
  • Interpret appropriate assessment instruments to facilitate career planning
  • Identify personal/environmental issues that impact career decisions
  • Identify/explore self-employment options
  • Interpret corporate cultures and structures
  • Develop educational plans to support career goals
  • Change management, adapting to the changing workplace

Career counseling services are 50-minute hour appointments (in person or by telephone), or through packaged 4 and 5-hour programs.

Do you have a career or a job? Sessions can include identifying your transferable skills, accomplishments, and work values. Developing your professional objective will help you market yourself successfully. Develop the tools and strategies to better manage your career on an ongoing basis.

We will help you develop a communications strategy that captures your career goals. The personal marketing plan will establish clear criteria that reflect your targeted organizations, your competencies, and transferable skills and search methodologies. Bring your resume.

Hourly Appointments (50-min. hour)

Executive Coaching and Leadership Development

  • New executive assimilation process for the first 120 days
  • Handling speical situations such as "stuck" clients and client dependencies
  • Problem solving with clients
  • Consulting on termination trauma/stress
  • Motivating clients through job transition
  • Identifying support systems and training on how to use these effectively
  • Analyzing organizational/individual factors to improve performance, opportunity and growth
  • Identifying performance, fit and development needs through 360-degree feedback
  • Facilitating individual/organizational intervention
  • Developing personal action plans consistent with individual/organization needs
  • Networking strategies
  • Preparing executives for future assignments

Learn more about your leadership potential. This comprehensive assessment package will help you identify skills and perspectives that leaders can learn and the potential flaws that can derail your career. We will assess your interests, motivations, abilities, work values, and leadership style at work.

During five counseling sessions, we will review the assessment results, discuss your leadership potential, and identify career strategies to move forward. The following assessments may be used as appropriate:

  • •Skillscope
  • •Benchmarks (3-5 yrs management experience)
  • •Firo B / Element B
  • •Career Architect Portfolio Sort
  • •LEAD – areas of potential derailment

Five 50-minute hours plus assessment

Training Programs and Design

  • Training department management
  • Seminar/workshop development
  • Design of competency based training programs
  • Train-the-Trainer instruction
  • Professional Skills/Diversity training
  • Computer and web-based training
  • eLearning programs
  • Video role playing and feedback
  • Platform and facilitation skills training
  • Behavioral interviewing
  • Effective recruiting and selection


  • Personal Power and Influence
  • Creating Life / Career Balance
  • 12 Life Anchors - Life Planning
  • Managing Your Career - How to keep your job when everyone else is losing theirs

Job Search


Six sessions to jumpstart your job search. The initial meeting focuses on developing a marketing plan, setting goals, and designing a communications strategy to meet your specific needs. Follow-up sessions can include any or all of these topics depending on your needs: resume critique, developing your positioning statement, implementing your marketing plan, interview practice, networking techniques, negotiating skills, and other search strategies and tactics.

This package consists of 6 50-minute hours.


Craft a more effective resume that profiles your significant accomplishments, transferable skills, and markets you to targeted employers. Review its focus, content, and layout. Fax or bring two copies of your current resume for the counseling session. (50-minute hour)


You will role-play a job interview and we will analyze the results and provide tips on how to improve your interviewing skills. Come to the session dressed for an actual interview, bring two copies of your resume, and bring a videotape that you can take home for additional review. (90-minutes)


Call in for a fifteen-minute consultation on negotiating a job offer or a raise, last-minute advice before an interview (or a 2nd interview), reference checking, preparing for a performance appraisal, accepting a promotion or transfer, or other pressing career issues or questions you may have. 24 hour advance notice via email or phone required. For existing clients only.


  • Analysis/assessments of client experiences
  • Identifying critical skills and accomplishments
  • Intake procedures and effectiveness
  • Interpreting and/or reporting and applying results of standardized measurements
  • Identifying values that apply to work


Understanding your strengths, accomplishments, and what you want to do. Assess your skills, interests, values, and personal style in this four-session self-assessment program. You will develop a career profile so you can build a foundation and identify those work options, which will bring you the greatest career satisfaction. We will discuss your background and past accomplishments, interpret the results of self-assessment instruments, and identify options to explore. A variety of career instruments are used to help your self-discovery, such as:

  • Strong Interest Inventory™
  • Campbell Interest and Skills Survey™
  • Values-Driven Work© Card Sort
  • Skillscope

Four 50-minute hours plus assessment

Culture Coaching Program

Leveraging Culture Coaching in Managing Global / Virtual Teams

In many situations, culture is the barrier to resolving organizational friction. “Culture Coaching” is a framework for working global and virtual team problems from analysis to feedback. It represents another skill set for managers or career consultants.

You will learn to:

  1. Identify what constitutes “culture coaching” and when it is appropriate to use with team members
  2. Experience and apply “culture coaching.”
  3. Create strategies for developing agreements between members of the team and managing conflict

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify what constitutes “culture coaching” and when it is appropriate to use with global team members.
  2. Experience and apply “culture coaching. ”
  3. Create strategies for developing agreements between members of the team and managing conflict.

Session is presented in three formats:

  1. Presentation of culture case problems
  2. Discussion of U. S. and multinational culture norms
  3. Small group break-outs for culture coaching practice

Self-Assessment Program

Understanding your strengths, accomplishments, and what you want to do. Assess your skills, interests, values, and personal style in this four-session self-assessment program. You will develop an entrepreneurship profile so you can build a decision-making model and identify which of the four self-employment options, is right for you. We will discuss your background and past accomplishments, interpret the results of self-assessment instruments, and identify options to explore. A variety of instruments are used to help your self-discovery, such as:

  • Strong Interest Inventory™
  • Campbell Interest and Skills Survey™
  • Values-Driven Work© Card Sort
  • Skillscope

Four 50-minute hours

Workforce Consulting

  • Individual and Group career counseling
  • Spouse relocation assistance. -Career planning for employees and their managers
  • Adapting “individual” issues and procedures to groups. -Guiding organizations and people through the transition processes
  • Identifying/interpreting business/industry trends and needed future competencies
  • Performance development, re-employment, employability of workforce, creating a learning culture
  • Preparing managers to handle termination meetings. -Managing career centers
  • Planning and providing services to deal with “survivor issues”
  • Negotiating reference guidelines and “reason for leaving” statements
  • Integrating career management with organization vision, values, objectives and performance
  • Maintaing confidentiality within legal requirements.